Product description
New to the market is our Life Line drag harness/K9 leash carrier, which allows you to have quick access to your 25’ drag harness and/or a25’ lead. This carrier can be mounted on molle or worn on a belt.
Our webbing that we use for the drag harness and Lead holds 6000 pounds. Its also made in the USA.
With our drag harness you can use it to do several different deployments. You can use it as a drag harness by tying it into a large loop, or use it as a throw rope to drag someone out of a dangerous situation, or as a repel rope, or to secure doorways when doing building searches and also as a to tow rope to tow whatever you need.
Also the 25 foot lead is able to do everything that the drag harness will.
Lincoln Ryder –
Nice design — compact and practical. I use mine for having a Life Line on hand when wearing my CSE Gear Plate Carrier. The Life Line is held secure and can be quickly deployed by holding a length of the end of the line and throwing the flat coil like a frisbee — it unravels as it travels out to where it is needed.